a full, deep, prolonged cry uttered by a lion or other large wild animal. A loud, deep sound uttered by a person or crowd, generally as an expression of excitement or emotion. To sing or shout with full force, to laugh loudly, to be boisterous or disorderly.
ROAR is about courage, empowerment, speaking out, standing up for a cause, speaking ones truth, believing in self, acknowledging and taking action.
March 7th, 2020
6PM – 11 PM
Come celebrate, be entertained, engage, be empowered, ROAR.
Slam Poetry {HYP}, Circus {Hamilton Aerial Group}, DJ’s, Interactive Events, Performance Art, Culinary Pop Ups, Installations, Book Arts, Print Making, Letter Writing, Vendors + More!
We will be announcing participating artists, performers and vendors through our social media channels in the coming weeks leading up to the event. Please save the date, plan an excursion, come explore The Cotton Factory and be prepared to #ROAR
Cost: PWYC Donation
Street – Sherman Ave. N., Landsdowne Ave., Biggar Ave. (Free)
Lot – Off of Biggar Avenue ($5.00 per car)
We recommend Car pooling, public transit, SOBI, Taxi or Uber