In today’s world we can all agree that we are all over stimulated with social media, instant access to information and a change in our ability to be disconnected. This fast-paced world we live in is affecting our ability to calm our system. Meditative practices such as float therapy is a way to calm the central nervous system and shut out the stimulation. In this workshop we will offer participants an interactive experience. We will introduce you to some tools you can use in the workplace and at home to calm the central nervous system.
Learning objectives:
• Understanding of how your central nervous system is being impacted by today’s fast pace.
• Gaining knowledge of how to work with your central nervous system with yourself
• Acquiring new self-care tools
• Gaining knowledge of the benefits of hydrotherapy
• Increasing Creativity, Mindfulness and Mediation
• Pain Management
Join us at CoWork at the Cotton Factory on October 26, 2018. Click here for Tickets (it’s free!).
Tracy Miles is a psychotherapist in private practice in the Hamilton area. Tracy has worked in the field of Mental Health and Addictions for over 27 years. Tracy was the Clinical Manager at the Barrett Centre for Crisis Support and she has also supervised many front-line staff throughout her career. Tracy is a strong believer in the power that all humans have to find their own wisdom and engage their own power to heal.
Energy Tap Counselling and Consultation Services www.energytap.ca
Tmiles3@icloud.com / 289-237-9029
Stacey Ziebarth is a woman of many passions. She is a business owner, teacher and mother of two. She began her journey in 2005 by becoming a certified STOTT Pilates® instructor and opening her first business, Studio Zee Pilates. In an effort to bring more balance to her clients lives, Stacey has recently become a meditation teacher and opened one of Hamilton’s first Float Therapy studios, Zee Float. She also donates her time to various charitable organizations like City Kidz, Ronald McDonald House Hamilton, Juravinski Cancer Centre, and Hamilton Food Share. Stacey has a deep love for her community and hopes to continue on her path of raising people up to meet their mind-body goals.
Contact Stacey at: stacey@zeefloat.com