About this event
Sally Cooper and Stephen Near will share works they have created while “Writing In Place” during the pandemic.
The CoWork at The Cotton Factory Writer-in-Residence Program is a valuable opportunity to provide writers the time and space to build upon their writing practice and career.
SALLY COOPER writes novels, essays, and screenplays. She is the author of the short story collection Smells Like Heaven, out now with ARP Books. She is also the author of acclaimed novels Love Object and Tell Everything (published in 2002 and 2008 by Dundurn Press). Her latest novel, With My Back to the World, is out now with Wolsak & Wynn.
Her essays, short stories, and reviews have appeared in CNQ: Canadian Notes & Queries; Electric Literature; Event; The Feathertale Review; The Globe & Mail; Grain; The Millions and The New Quarterly and in other publications in Canada and the U.S. She has been a finalist for the Hamilton Literary Award and recently had work longlisted for the Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest, the Short Works Prize, and the Women in Film and Television’s, From Our Darkside Contest. She makes her home in Hamilton, Ontario.
STEPHEN NEAR is a writer and educator living in Hamilton. He is a graduate of York University (BFA), the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (B. Ed), and the MFA Creative Writing program at the University of Guelph. Stephen is a member of the Playwright’s Guild of Canada, the Theatre Aquarius Playwrights Unit, and an alumnus of both the Sage Hill Writing Experience and the Banff Centre.
COWORK AT THE COTTON FACTORY is nestled amongst Hamilton’s most vibrant creative industries complex and community, The Cotton Factory. With an abundance of natural light and an aesthetic you simply cannot replicate, CoWork provides an environment to inspire you and your business to grow.